兔儿爷兽 Turuiemon
Turuiemon is a martial artist Digimon discovered in the hinterlands of a mountainous Chinese province.It had been wandering the world in pursuit of its longstanding foes—viruses that exploit e-mail to cause harm. Turuiemon is blessed with exceptional potential as a martial artist, but has yet to develop its skills. It is a practitioner of Togaken, a fighting style of its own creation. Its signature move is Ninja Fist, a lightning-fast ninja-style strike that makes full use of its powerful leaping ability. Its special move is Gauntlet Claw, which involves a series of blows made with the Rabbit-Horned Iron Claws on both of its hands. It’s a combo attack that capitalizes on its rabbit-like agility and powerful high leaps.
중국 심산성의 오지에서 발견된 격투가 디지몬. 메일을 이용해 나쁜 짓을 하는 바이러스를 숙적으로 여기고 쫓으며 세계를 방랑하고 있다. 보기 드물게 권법에 훌륭한 소질을 지녔지만 아직 발전하는 중이다. 독자적으로 고안한 토아권을 사용한다. 필살기는 높은 도약력을 활용한 민첩한 닌자 권법 『인신권』과 양팔의 「토각철조」를 이용한 타격 기술 『홍당무권법』이다. 토끼처럼 민첩하게 높이 도약하며 공격하는 연속 공격을 한다.
Kampfsport-Digimon, das im Hinterland einer bergigen chinesischen Provinz entdeckt wurde. Zieht durch die Welt, immer auf der Suche nach seinen Erzfeinden: bösartigen E-Mail-Viren. Hat das Zeug zu einem herausragenden Kempo-Kämpfer, wobei ihm das Training fehlt. Setzt den selbst erfundenen Tokagen-Stil ein. Sein Todesstoß „Ninjafaust“ ist ein flinker Tarn-angriff, bei dem es seine Sprungkraft nutzt. Sein Spezialmove „Ninjaklaue“ nutzt seine hasenartigen Reflexe und seine Sprungkraft für schnelle Hiebe mit Tokaku-Tessou-Klauen.
注释 References
- 兔儿爷,老北京民间的传统玩具,最早源于明末的祭月泥偶,到了清代,逐渐转变成了儿童的玩具。
- 「巌兎烈斗」为「Gauntlet」的音读汉字转写。Gauntlet为古时士兵戴的金属护手。
- 日语「忍迅」与「人参(胡萝卜)」发音相同。
Turuiemon is a martial artist Digimon discovered in the hinterlands of a mountainous Chinese province.It had been wandering the world in pursuit of its longstanding foes—viruses that exploit e-mail to cause harm. Turuiemon is blessed with exceptional potential as a martial artist, but has yet to develop its skills. It is a practitioner of Togaken, a fighting style of its own creation. Its signature move is Ninja Fist, a lightning-fast ninja-style strike that makes full use of its powerful leaping ability. Its special move is Gauntlet Claw, which involves a series of blows made with the Rabbit-Horned Iron Claws on both of its hands. It’s a combo attack that capitalizes on its rabbit-like agility and powerful high leaps.
중국 심산성의 오지에서 발견된 격투가 디지몬. 메일을 이용해 나쁜 짓을 하는 바이러스를 숙적으로 여기고 쫓으며 세계를 방랑하고 있다. 보기 드물게 권법에 훌륭한 소질을 지녔지만 아직 발전하는 중이다. 독자적으로 고안한 토아권을 사용한다. 필살기는 높은 도약력을 활용한 민첩한 닌자 권법 『인신권』과 양팔의 「토각철조」를 이용한 타격 기술 『홍당무권법』이다. 토끼처럼 민첩하게 높이 도약하며 공격하는 연속 공격을 한다.
Kampfsport-Digimon, das im Hinterland einer bergigen chinesischen Provinz entdeckt wurde. Zieht durch die Welt, immer auf der Suche nach seinen Erzfeinden: bösartigen E-Mail-Viren. Hat das Zeug zu einem herausragenden Kempo-Kämpfer, wobei ihm das Training fehlt. Setzt den selbst erfundenen Tokagen-Stil ein. Sein Todesstoß „Ninjafaust“ ist ein flinker Tarn-angriff, bei dem es seine Sprungkraft nutzt. Sein Spezialmove „Ninjaklaue“ nutzt seine hasenartigen Reflexe und seine Sprungkraft für schnelle Hiebe mit Tokaku-Tessou-Klauen.
- 兔儿爷,老北京民间的传统玩具,最早源于明末的祭月泥偶,到了清代,逐渐转变成了儿童的玩具。
- 「巌兎烈斗」为「Gauntlet」的音读汉字转写。Gauntlet为古时士兵戴的金属护手。
- 日语「忍迅」与「人参(胡萝卜)」发音相同。